Debate - American Sign Language - Age of Consent for Cochlear Implants - Vermont March 2014
Debate - American Sign Language - Age of Consent for Cochlear Implants - Vermont March 2014 from Alfred Snider on Vimeo . This event brings understanding and idea exchange between previously separated groups. As a part of the celebration of Deaf Culture Month, the Lawrence Debate Union held a debate that was simultaneously in spoken English as well as American Sign Language. The debate was on standards for cochlear implants for the deaf. March 19 at 6 PM in the lovely John Dewey Lounge in the Old Mill building. This video is produced by DEBATE CENTRAL ( ) a debating website founded in 1994. DEBATE CENTRAL is a non-profit service of the World Debate Institute , the Lawrence Debate Union and the University of Vermont, and is designed to promote debating at all levels, in all languages, and all around the world. Our server is provided by the University of Vermont. Th...